
Cataraqui Cemetery is an excellent source for family genealogy!

 Cemetery interment records go back several generations and might be a source to find a lost relative.   However, the greatest source of family history may come from the many grave markers found within the cemetery.  The markers often provide maiden names and relationships that are not recorded in the cemetery's burial ledgers.  When you consider the cemetery's inclusion of the older 1802 "Quaker Burial Ground",  Cataraqui has more than two centuries of burials and memorials.  

You may e-mail us your genealogical questions or make an appointment to visit our office.   We will do our best to help you find the information you are seeking.  Please note that while we certainly do not mind assisting you with one or two names, or pointing you in the right direction to find a plot,  larger name searches or similar time-consuming requests may be subject to fees.  

The Kingston Branch, The Ontario Genealogical Society is a local site that is an excellent source for genealogical information and research assistance.