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Tribute Wall

Trish (and Serge) Levesque posted a condolence
Monday, August 8, 2022
Dear Brenda, Bonnie, Darlene, Tommy and extended Family,
We were saddened to hear of Brian’s passing.
We remember our first “Cripps Family Reunion” and the most generous nature of Brian who cooked for us - none stop, until we all had our fill of the most delicious BBQ ever. I am sorry that opportunities to know one another more came later in our lives and am so grateful for our reunions that brought us together.
Please know we are thinking of you. We sent you our heartfelt condolences. May memories of Brian plbring comfort to you all in the coming days.
Your cousin Trish (and Serge) Levesque
Jennifer Keevill posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
My favorite memory of uncle Brian is when he would show me this one spot on his belly and told me that marking on his stomach was from a snake and then he would roll his belly like a snake to scare me but it would make me laugh. He had the best humor. I'll always cherish that memory as it's one of my favorites
Trish and Serge Levesque posted a condolence
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Dear Brenda, Bonnie, Darlene, Tommy and extended Family,
We were saddened to hear of Brian’s passing.
We remember our first “Cripps Family Reunion” and the most generous nature of Brian who cooked for us - none stop, until we all had our fill of the most delicious BBQ ever. I am sorry that opportunities to know one another more came later in our lives and am so grateful for our reunions that brought us together.
Please know we are thinking of you. We sent you our heartfelt condolences. May memories of Brian plbring comfort to you all in the coming days.
Your cousin Trish (and Serge) Levesque
Pat & Cliff lit a candle
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Brian Keevill posted a condolence
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Thinking of you guys. I remember when carol and I were dating. Brenda and Brian took us out to the spinners staff party. We beat them home. I had carols 75 Monte Carlo and they were on a bike. The boys tussled and fell off the back step at grey st. Fell onto bea’s holly hocks. I grow a hollyhock here at the camp in memory.
MIKE P CRIPPS uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 23, 2022

Thinking of you Aunt Brenda and Sarah at this difficult time. Uncle Brian had a big heart and a laugh that would make anyone smile and laugh along with him. Uncle Brian loved to fish. I will remember fishing with him and uncle Terry on Loughborough lake when I was a boy , we saw a deer swimming across the lake. I also remember staying overnight in Amherstview with Aunt Brenda and Uncle Brian when they had their Irish Setters. We got up early to go ice fishing and we went in his slick blue Datsun car. We went to Devil Lake, we listened to Super Tramp and uncle Brian's favourite bands cranked in his car. I can remember doing donuts out on the lake with him before we set our lines. I also loved watching him make his famous French Onion Soup back at Mom and Dad's. He really liked to cook. He was that cool uncle that listened to music loud, drove cool cars and motorcycles, and had the best beards ever. I will always cherish these memories. Uncle Brian you will be missed but never forgotten. Love forever Mike, Charlene, Hailey and Emma Cripps
Darlene Lightfoot lit a candle
Saturday, July 23, 2022

Darlene Lightfoot lit a candle
Saturday, July 23, 2022

He was my baby brother I loved him dearly he will be in my ❤️ forever God bless and keep him close to you
The family of Brian John Cripps uploaded a photo
Friday, July 22, 2022

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Operated By The Cataraqui Cemetery Company - Est. 1850