Sunday, October 18, 2020
Deb and I became friends soon after I started working at Millhaven Assessment Unit in 1992 and we've remained dear friends ever since, even though we stopped working together in 2004. While her love of fashion never really rubbed off on me, she managed to get me to go shopping with her many times and I even bought some dresses, perhaps so I wouldn't look too shabby when walking next to her! We had many great evenings together with our husbands and/or other friends & even when we socialized at one another's houses, we often danced around the living room at some point, after imbibing a few drinks (as if we were at a bar!). She always had my back & wanted the best for me, as I did her. I will treasure my memories of her and carry her in my heart for the rest of my life. To Rob, Norah & Elaine, I send my deepest sympathies for a wonderful woman who died far too young!!