(613) 546-6545

Celebration of Life

Obituary of Peter Francis Kelly
Born to an Irish family Peter wanted to be a doctor from an early age and won a scholarship to the prestigious Royal London Hospital Medical College in Whitechapel, London. After an internship at the National Paraplegic Centre where he first met Renate Bruner he immigrated to Canada with a commission in the Royal Canadian Air Force.
There he thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie and professionalism together with much flying and worldwide travel. Postings at Uplands, Ottawa CEPE & 412 squadron, The School of Aviation Medicine in Toronto where he earned his diploma as Flight Surgeon and in Trenton where he also obtained his pilot wings on Floats, several transatlantic trips, Courtesy RCAF allowed further contacts with Renate in Munich.
Following Mr. Hellyers misguided amalgamation of the Forces, he bailed out to attend Queens and progress to a Fellowship in Psychiatry. After becoming Consultant to Kingston Penitentiary for several years, he moved on to private practice in Kingston.
Peter married Renate in Munich in 1964 and then purchased land near Kingston to be remodeled as Ballymuck Farm where the three lovely children Dominic, Stephanie and Siobhan were brought up and thrived together with a thoroughbred Angus herd and a stable of hunt horses.
An avid sportsman, 1st XV at the London, player/coach at RMC, he continued playing rugby into his 50’s. a keen sailor across the North Sea in 1960, around the Mediterranean in 1986, Lake Ontario for many years and down to the Bahamas and back in his trawler in the 90’s. He also held the position of Field Master of the Frontenac Hunt in addition there were the annual shoots on Wolfe Island and the fishing weeks on the Bay of Quinte together with his old dear friend Glen Will Casley.
Sadly, after 30 years, a separation ensued, and Dr. Kelly retired from his private practice. He became a part-time consultant the National Defence Medical Centre and was also appointed to the Ontario Review Board.
A loving partnership for over a decade with Betty Ann ended sadly with her cancer in 2014. A steadfast friendship with Dr. Brien Benoit was held for over 50 years. Dr. Kelly maintained a lifelong affiliation with the RCAF and flew an Auster Warbird for several years before donating it to the Air Force Museum in Trenton.
Peter was a true renaissance man known for his Irish conviviality and humour with a poor tolerance for bureaucracy; an avid reader with an impressive library; gourmet and oenophile, his life focus living a full life through family, military and medicine. Best described by the motto of the London Hospital, "Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto" - / publius Terence born 195 BC. ("I am human and nothing of that which is human is alien to me.")
He leaves behind his dearly loved three children and five grandchildren.
A Celebration of Peter’s life will be held at Brigid’s Well Pub – St. Brigid’s Church (310 Patrick Street, Ottawa) on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 2:00pm.

Operated By The Cataraqui Cemetery Company - Est. 1850